Monday, May 16, 2005

Call me strange, if you like...

I don't know about you, when I ask someone to hang out with it means I just wanna spend time with that particular person and don't expect others to come along.

It pisses me off sometimes when I ask someone to meet up and the person says "Can I ask A,B,C, and D to come along? You don't mind, right?" Or "Why don't you ask ABCD to go with you?" Come on, I mean, if I wanna hang out with ABCD I would have asked myself.

It feels like:

1. The person I asked doesn't want to be seen alone with me(afraid to be mistaken for a couple?);
2. The person doesn't feel comfortable being alone with me(nothing much to talk about?);
3. I am too boring to hang out with(that's why there is a need for other company?);
4. And all of above.

Hey I an't anti-social; I love being with a group of people. But there is a time when I just wanna be with someone ALONE. So next time if you happen to be asked by me, just say NO(of course, politely) if one of the above is true.

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