Wednesday, August 17, 2005

a video editor by day, a cafe boy by night...

I am on probation. Started working today at Embassy Production as a video editor. Holland Village!

Dragged myself to Bugis for a cafe job from Holland Village. Was late for work for the first time since started few months ago.

Was asked by an Embassy boss to stop any part-time job and just focus on video editing. Problem is how am I gonna tell my cafe boss? Been lying to her, to be honest. Told her few weeks ago that I got a full-time job at Bugis as a telemarketer; I was hoping that I could stop working at her cafe. She gave me night shift work instead. It wasn't bad when two part-time jobs were near to each other; I could just walk from a telemarketing company to the cafe. Now I've been offered a real full-time job at Holland Village. How am I gonna tell(lie to) her? One crew just left the cafe today for his NS. Another one is sitting for her exams this week. She's gonna kill me if I tell her that I wanna quit now.

Was upset with my CD player last night. It can't play my pirated-Thai CD anymore.

Haven't talked much to anyone I know this past week. Messaging doesn't count.

Gonna try to sleep early tonight. Gonna have hard time getting up early for a new work. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

You are so hardworking, yet so bloody goofy. Quit your damn cafe job and embrace the world of the worry-free.

xaisongkham said...

Thanks Yas and LY. My boss ain't that bad. I should be grateful to her for letting me work for so long.

Gonna tell her soon.

xaisongkham said...

Am I right? I just guessed it from the choice of words he used.