Sunday, July 17, 2005

Last night I dreamt about you again.

How many of you dream about someone or something constantly? I've been dreaming about my parents almost every single night for the past 10 years or so. My mom passed away on Feburary 2nd, 1992, and my dad, July 1998.

And two years ago, I lost my friend who was very dear to me. Since then I've been dreaming about him.

These three persons appear in my dreams again and again. They come and go; I smile and cry, in my dreams.

Love and miss you so much.


xaisongkham said...

Really hope you will get a long with your mom soon. I didnt get along with my dad very much. He got remarried without our approval. The day he left us, I was mad at him in the morning for giving me few hundred kips to buy shoes when I begged him for few thousand(to buy sport shoes). I wish I could be a little bit nicer to my parents.

You will feel regret so much if you don't treat your parents well when they are still around. No one loves you like your family. And you guys are very lucky to have both parents around. I am very jealous.

Anonymous said...

Hey there. This is life. People come, people go. We make love and we make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from the past and treasure your present. Hang in there. :)