Sunday, July 17, 2005

My family portrait

My family in Savannakhet
Originally uploaded by billabonque.
We never hug each other. And we never utter love to each other. But we know we love and care for each other. Poverty tears us apart physically. But we know we'll always be together. And I am glad I have a family to call my own. One day I hope we will all live under one roof once again.


Anonymous said...

my family doesn't hug or say 'i love you' either. but it doesn't matter when you know inside how we really feel.

you have the most photogenic family.

xaisongkham said...

Thanks Yas.

I think it's easier to say " I love you" in English. It's abit awkward when say it in Lao though.

Coz a good camera and person who took it for us lah.