Thursday, January 01, 2009

You shouldn’t have shared that. Really.

I was invited by my friend to have dinner with his friends whom I have never met before. We introduced ourselves, our names and job titles, and ordered our food.

“Xai, you should order fried broccoli and carrots to get some fibre,” my friend suggested. He looked at his friends and continued, “Xai has not cleared his bowels for few days already.”

I was embarrassed, uncomfortable and a bit annoyed by that information shared by my friend with his friends.

You may share information about your friend’s failed marriage, porn VCD collections, liver condition, sleeping with a prostitute or two, fetish, etc., among your AND his or her close friends. But you should never ever share those kinds of information about your friend (s) with people you or s/he had just met. Do you think other people like to learn if your friend has Hepatitis, herpes, the clap…? I don’t think so, at least not for me. Nor do I think people like their personal/confidential information to be shared with acquaintances.

If you bring that up- to amuse or to enlighten other people (or ‘to whatever’ you may have in mind), it only shows how unconsidered/jerk you are. It’s a no-no thing. Really.

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