Sunday, June 25, 2006

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go...

Am I sad to leave?

Just few weeks a go I was still talking to my friends about what I would do when I got my application for Singapore Permanent Resident approved.

Just few weeks a go, my boss told me what I would be assigned to do for the next few months with the company.

Just few weeks a go, my uncle in US called and I told him he could visit me in Singapore any time this year.

Just few weeks a go, I emailed my Internet friend in Bangkok that if he even came to Singapore he could look for me.

Just few weeks a go, I joined WildFilm Singapore.

Just few weeks a go, my housemate and I were looking for a new place to move to.

But it doesn't matter anymore because I am going home.


Anonymous said...

must be your job that make you decide to quit on Singapore. All the bosses are bloodsucker anyway. at least you have the option to leave, unlike me. enjoy your time here while you can. good luck dude.

xaisongkham said...

Imagine this: You are working alongside Angelina Jolie and get paid for it...

I'm talking about my new job:P

Thanks for your well wish. You should change your job. If you hate your job, you'd better get paid well. If you are not paid well, you'd better enjoy what you're doing...Or something like that.